Become a Mile High Host Member

Sign up to get the most robust hosting resources and other members-only benefits.

Mile High Hosts Member Benefits

Private Digital Community

Members can join our virtual member portal inside the Rent Responsibly Network, where you can access all of your benefits as well as connect with other members 1:1 or in fruitful discussion forums.

Members-Only networking EVENTS

Only members can access exclusive virtual and in-person events covering important topics like updates from city hall, industry news, hosting and property management best practices, and more.

News & alerts

Members will get the most detailed information available, plus insight on what it means for you and how you can take effective action.

Templates & Downloads

Members can enjoy free templates, guides, checklists, and other downloads to make everything you do faster, easier, and more successful.

Local Business Resources

Members can connect directly with local businesses and service providers who know and support our unique industry.

Exclusive perks from service providers

Receive promotions and special perks designed with Mile High Hosts members in mind.

What is the alliance doing for me?

The Mile High Hosts is the unified voice representing responsible STRs to our policymakers and broader community. Our volunteer leadership, together with our partners, keep a close watch on what’s happening with the city and throughout the industry to keep you up-to-date on everything you need to know, advocate for you, and help you best advocate for yourself.

Where do my dollars go?

Membership dues cover the things volunteer hours can’t. A portion of them cover our operating expenses, such as website maintenance, accounting and software, and the remainder go toward specialized services, such as PR, lobbying and legal support.


The Mile High Hosts is proudly part of the Rent Responsibly Network!

The Rent Responsibly Network is a nationwide network of alliances like ours and a global community of STR hosts and advocates. Our private Mile High Hosts member portal is a part of the network, which not only gets you access to all of your Mile High Hosts benefits, it gives you the ability to connect with other STR groups, operators, perks, and vendors across the country!

Everything You Need


Whether you’re new to hosting or having been doing STRs for years, there’s always something new to learn! We will bring you the latest in best practices, technology, and solutions to our everyday challenges.

Narrative Building

No matter how rare, party houses and bad incidents at STRs grab headlines. One of our most important efforts is building a more accurate picture of all the good STRs create for our community. We work hard to change the narrative around private accommodations by educating our peers and spotlighting the wonderful people behind STRs through traditional media, new media and digital strategies, and in-person connections.

Support Advocacy

Advocacy is not something done only when something’s under consideration at City Hall. Advocacy is a year-round team sport.

Network and Connect

It’s hard to connect with others in the STR industry. As a member, you’ll have lots of opportunities to connect with others online, in virtual events, and in person to share ideas, ask questions, solve mutual challenges, and create partnerships.

Stay up to date

Staying informed on everything happening in New Mexico is hard to do. That’s why our volunteer board and partners work hard at keeping a pulse on news and regulations and making sure you stay in the know. Our members will get the most detailed information available, plus insight on how you can take effective action.